Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sorry for the lengthy break

Sorry that it has been a little while since I have actually blogged some creative substance. I have been busy as a bee and when I'm not, I'm too tired to think of something to write about. I usually sit at my computer, staring at an empty post trying to think of something creative and inspirational to write about.  But worry no more, I have a feeling that tonight, I will be finding a fun new DIY project to blog about!

On a separate matter, my grandma sent me some money to buy something pretty for my apartment.  That is a lot of pressure!! Especially now that I have a specific purpose, I want it to be just right. Our kitchen cabinets are getting quite full, so more dishes, even though there are tons that I love at anthropologie, would be sort of a waste.  If you have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.

Side note, my halloween party was a great success and very fun! We played games, ate carmel apples and "mummie dogs" and had a jolly old time. Then on Sunday, I got to see my cousin who was home from college for the weekend, which was really nice. She told me that she was going to help me pick out something to get for my apartment, because she loves anthropologie as much as I do. She also had this really cool feather in her hair (I was told it was an "Oregon" thing) and the more I looked at it, the more I wanted one. She told me that I had to wait until springtime to go up and get one for myself, because the saturday market is closed until then.  So if anyone knows anyone who does this type of thing in San Diego, please let me know! ( I will post a picture as soon as I get one)

Alright, until tonight...

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